The Allegheny County Counselors Association is a professional organization which represents School Counseling in Allegheny County. As school counselors at all levels of public and private schools within Allegheny County, we share common interests and needs relevant to our primary task of serving students.  It is appropriate, therefore, that we organize ourselves through a professional association and elect officers whose responsibility it will be to accomplish the following objectives of the Association:
A.  Promote the professional status and growth of school counselors.
B.  Provide a forum for sharing professional concerns.
C.  Improve guidance and counseling service in our schools.

ACSCA is the local division of PSCA, the Pennsylvania School Counselors Association. Therefore, our mission and core beliefs also include those of our parent organization.

The PSCA Mission Statement:  The Mission of the Pennsylvania School Counselors Association is a to expand the image and influence of professional school counselors, to promote professional and ethical practice, and to advocate for equity and access for all students.

The PSCA Core Beliefs: Professional School Counselors possess unique qualifications and skills to address academic, career development, and personal/social needs of all students.  

-Professional School Counselors are leaders.  
-Professional School Counselors are agents of systemic change. 
-Professional School Counselors advocate for equity, access, and success for all students.       
-Professional School Counselors are essential to the academic mission of the school.
-Professional School Counselors serve all students. 
-Professional School Counselors are lifelong learners.
-Professional School Counselors use data to drive decision making.
-Professional School Counselors recognize that school counseling is a dynamic profession.

The PSCA Vision Statement: The Pennsylvania School Counselors Association is the keystone that strengthens the image and influence of professional school counselors through advocacy, leadership, collaboration, and systemic change.  PSCA empowers professional school counselors with the knowledge, skills, and resources, to promote student success in the global community.

The PSCA Goals and Objectives: 

-Provide professional development relevant to the current and emerging practices of professional school counseling. 
-Advocate for the role and programs of professional school counselors.               
-Support and promote the implementation of evidence based practices in school counseling.
-Define and promote professional and ethical standards that guide the conduct and practices of professional school counselors.                                   
-Identify and implement an organizational structure that facilitates the accomplishments of the mission and goals in a fiscally optimal manner